11th of August - 00.09

I want to commit mass murder, why are there three damned update sections and how is not a single one of them working


I'm giving up for now because I'm genuinely so confuzzled. How the hell is this thing styling all the text and putting in the background image and etc if I took everything out of the css sheet T_T


Jesus Christ something finally worked, why is this taking me so much longer than it should

12th of August - 22.21

Shat myself three times while trying to make a landing page. Now I have a very half assed landing page.

18th of August - 16.34

Stuff is starting to slightly work, but I fear to believe it because I swear to god I'm about to get fucked over again


Added the base for a side menu and sortet out the weird css

20th of August - 13.59

More tangled css, I love it

29th of August - 23.45

Idk man, I'm trying to work on this in the little freetime I got, but I think that before I move to Germany the website will be looking like thid

29th of August - 23.45

Idk man, I'm trying to work on this in the little freetime I got, but I think that before I move to Germany the website will be looking like thid

1st of September - 12.41

I just got to Germany so the updates will be small and probably not come in often for now, I added the link to the gorilla thing but there's currently only one thing there so :P

About Me Mini Journal Gallery Meow meows Gorilla



I'm currently packing all my things, moving out from my apartment, and finding someone to rent it to because I'm going to Germany for an exchange year, so I'll have little to no time to work on this for a few weeks, sorry :/